12 May 2020,
Dear Parents and Students,
I am sure you are aware of the announcement made by our Prime Minister yesterday afternoon regarding moving to Alert Level 2 on Thursday, 14 May, with students of all Year Levels returning to schools from next Monday, 18 May. As delivered in previous communication, we have been anticipating and planning for this to ensure the College is ready for reopening and the welcoming back of all students and staff. Our preparation has and will continue to include:
* Thorough cleaning of classrooms and shared facilities
* Deep cleaning of high touch points and surface areas
With students returning to school next week there are a number of safety protocols and procedures that will be in place, along with practical and functional strategies implemented to ensure we are providing a safe environment for our students and staff. You can expect to receive more detailed information regarding:
* Health and safety measures
* Attendance and engagement
* Sports
* Senior events i.e. School Ball
* Education Outside The Classroom (EOTC)
* Devices
As we navigate our way through some new learnings, please be reassured that as a school we have your child’s learning and safety at the centre of all our decisions and we need your support as part of our team – we cannot do this alone.
Next week is about establishing what the school looks like under COVID-19, so the timetable for next week is temporary until we establish new routines and expectations for health and safety behaviours within school.
It is important your children:
* Arrive at school on time so we are able to manage our ‘bubbles’ within the school and be collected from the school gates at 2.30pm (Gates will be locked at 9.15am. until 2.15pm daily)
* Bring the device sent from the Ministry of Education and or given by the school.
Please parents it is important that:
* Your children have lunches and water – you will NOT be able to drop these off during the day. Note: Our school tuckshop will NOT be open until further notice.
* If your child is sick – has a runny nose, a cough, or a temperature – keep them at home.
* If you wish to see any staff member – please call beforehand to make an
* You encourage your children not to share their food, their devices, their cell phones, books, pens etc.
* Encourage your children to go straight home and not hang around at the parks or shops- COVID-19 is still a risk within our community.
* If you need to collect your child/ren early from school – please phone the school and we will arrange for your child/ren to wait for you at the gates.
Please note the changes below for next week (18 May 2020 – 22 May 2020)
SCHOOL GATES OPEN FROM: 7.00am – 9.15am and again at 2.15pm – 2.30pm
School will begin at 9.00am next week and finish at 2.25pm
9.00am: Period 1- Wa Akoranga Time
9.50am: Period 2
10.30am: Interval
10.55am: Warning Bell
11.00am: Period 3
11.55am: Period 4
12.50pm: Lunch
1.30pm: Period 5
2.25pm: School Finishes
2.30pm: Staff Meetings
Be safe and take care
Davida Suasua