Kia Orana all,
If you have Wi-fi at home and need a Chromebook for study purposes (i.e. you have no device) we will have a limited number of devices available from 12.30pm today.
If you have a faulty school device, bring it up to swap as well. Just a reminder that because of NCEA requirements seniors have first priority here.
For collection, please queue outside the front carpark between 12.30pm – 2.00pm today. Stay inside your vehicle and wait for instructions to approach main gate.
If you are unable to collect and require delivery, please email your deans with your request and your current home address. We will do our best to assist.
Kind regards
Davida Suasua
Lockdown Learning at Tangaroa College
Kia ora koutou
Being in Alert Level 4 is not new for any of us, this means that our school will not be open until the government announces we are able to do so.
With such short notice we weren’t able to hand out devices or hard packs to students in order to support distance learning. However, our distance on-line learning plan will therefore kick into action tomorrow 19th August 2021. This means that all students have access to their Google classroom, Education Perfect and will be able to contact teachers online during their timetabled classes. Please note that we have given devices out this year to students who have requested them.
If your child does not have a device or you have any questions please email their deans
Year 10:
Finally, we are acutely aware that lockdowns can be a stressful time for some families and our focus as always will be to support the learning, safety and wellbeing of our rangatahi and tamariki and we continue to be here to support you as well.
Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s dean or me, if there is something you need assistance with.
I will continue to update you all as further information comes to hand.
Ngā mihi
Davida Suasua
Moving into Level 4.
Dear Parents and families,
You will most likely be aware of the recent government announcement that New Zealand will move from Alert Level 1 to Alert Level 4, starting at 11.59pm tonight, for a minimum of three days, likely to be for seven days for Auckland and Coromandel.
We’ve been at Level 4 before and here are some key points for our Tangaroa College community.
To enable members of our community to prepare for the transition from school to online, we will commence online learning from Thursday 19th August, students will be able to access their google classrooms. Please note for Wednesday your child will have time to organise their learning but most importantly look after their well being.
All students have access to their Google classroom and Education Perfect and teachers and deans will make contact with your child via email.
Finally, we are acutely aware that lockdowns can be a stressful time for some families. We will be sending out a Pastoral Care update tomorrow to emphasise key support links for your child and practical advice for families during Alert Level 4.
I will continue to update you all as further information comes to hand.
Please be safe and take care. If there are any families that need extra support and help during this time please email me.
Davida Suasua
Tangaroa Career Option Evening 2021
This will be an opportunity to talk to the Heads of Departments of all subjects, the Careers Department HOD – Alice Va’a & Careers Advisor: Amy Flower. In addition, the Transitioning team: HOD/ Year 13 Dean Renee Tawhi, Terry Nelson: Pathways Development Advisor & Daz SuaSua. The online course enrolment period will be open from the 3rd of August to the 8th of September (the first five weeks of Term 3). We would encourage students and parents to begin research and planning to help identify the subjects they wish to enroll in for 2022.
Book Character Book Day Build Up
Teachers have been dressing up as characters to support our Book Day Event on the 31st of March. Last week they dressed as characters from Mario Puzo’s novel ‘The Godfather’ of which Yr 13 English students study the film version. On the 31st of March – our students will hear from people who are writers, poets, cartoonists/ illustrators. The day will end with each WA class dressing up one of their classmates as a book character for our grand parade! Reading is so vital for your child’s success in the world of education and Book Event is one of many activities we have planned for the year to inspire our students and whanau to read!
Auckland Schools’ Debating is an organization run by the Auckland University Debating Association. The competition involves 54 schools and a total of 1500 students debating a wide range of topics from banning cellphones in schools to making New Zealand another state of Australia. Tangaroa has been in this competition since 2007 and we have been hosting the Southern Junior Open Zone since 2008. We have also entered teams into the Southern Senior Open Zone and the Advanced Open (all zones) for the past 14 years.
Tangaroa College in the news
A great article featuring our very own DP Imeleta Faumuina.
TC & the Otara Bike Burb
On Saturday we had 25 TC senior students gain some volunteer work experience at the Otara Bike Burb. There was 100 bike riders changing the narrative of bike riding in Otara in a safe family oriented environment.
Year 11 Civic Service Awards
Year 9 Meet The Parents Evening
We extend an invitation to our Year 9 Students & their families.