From our Principal, Davida Suasua

Kia Orana koutou Tangaroa College families,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our parents and families once again, for supporting us through the last 22 weeks of school. The interruption of Covid-19 saw the education system being disrupted and turned up-side down. We as a school, navigated our way through the disruption, to make sure our students’ well-being and learning were always a school wide focus, we had to make necessary changes. The changes included:

  • Later start of 9am
  • Earlier finish of 2.20pm
  • Subject tutorials from 2.30pm to 4.00pm
  • Some course adjustments with a heavy focus on academic mentoring for students.
  • Monitoring and managing entry into the school grounds
  • Introduction of new initiatives that support students learning in the workplace
  • An integrated Junior Curriculum focus on Covid-19
  • We start the day with Wa Akoranga (formerly called Tutor) at 9.00am. A time for students to settle into the day.

We will continue with these new changes with a few minor adjustments to the end of day, including extending the length of periods 1 to 3. We will continue to start at 9.00am but finish at 2.30pm and continue with subject tutorials from 2.35pm to 4.00pm.

The student voice we received regarding the changes has been positive and students have adjusted extremely well, focused, and settled in their learning.

Once again thank you for your support and we look forward to Term 3.


Davida Suasua

Holiday Tutorials

Kia ora koutou

Greetings Parents / Caregivers.

Re: Term Two School Holiday Workshops / Tutorials

I would like to take this opportunity to thank those parents and whanau who have supported our students and their learning during this unprecedented time in our Nation’s history.

With the recent disruption in learning due to Covid-19, some subjects and department personnel are sacrificing their own time to facilitate school holiday tutorials as well as “off site learning opportunities” (schedules attached).

This extra academic support is a fantastic opportunity for students to catch up on class work, complete assessments and revise for upcoming practice exams, which will be in week three term three.

Teachers will be keeping a record of attendance and Head of Learning email addresses along with teacher extension numbers are listed on both schedules.  If you have any queries, please contact your child’s subject Teacher, Head of Learning or the School Office.

We wish you a safe Term Two holiday break and are looking forward to term four which begins on Tuesday the 21st of July.

Nga mihi,


Bessie Tuialii


Term 2 Holiday workshops_ tutorials (3) (1)

Community Notice

Haumia Early Childhood Centre

  • Up to 20 hours FREE each week for tamariki aged 3-5 years
  • Kai provided
  • Spaces available now. Call or visit us today!

11 Haumia Way, Otara  (Opposite Tangaroa College)

Phone: 09-265 1966     Email:

E faasilasila atu o loó maua avanoa e aooga fua ai tamaiti mai le 3-5 tausaga 20 itula I  le vaiaso.

O loó tele avanoa I le tainu nei afio mai ma fesootai mai

E saunia e le agoga meaai

11 Haumia Way, Otara (Opposite Tangaroa College)

Phone: 09-265 1966     Email:


Centre Manager:         Masele Fuimoano

Nita Cumming




Tangaroa College & Covid-19 Level 1

Welcome to Covid-19 Level One where we can all return to normal, this includes all children who are well returning to school. If your child is unwell – please keep them at home and inform the school. Absences over three days need a Medical Certificate.

We will however, still be locking the gates at 9.00am and students need to be at school by then, late comers will not be admitted and will be marked as absent. We will continue to finish school at 2.20pm until the end of the term.

Please make an appointment with the appropriate Dean if you wish to discuss this further.

Year Nine – Ms Bessie Tuialii / Mr Rob Downie
Year Ten – Mr Joseph Tua / Ms Nadeen Papalii
Year Eleven – Mr Martin Wright / Mr Chris Ashforth
Year Twelve – Mr Grant Langdon / Mrs Sarah Davies
Year Thirteen – Ms Christine Pili / Ms Marieke Brinkman

Term 2 Senior Block Outs

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

First of all I would like to thank you for your support throughout this unprecedented time in New Zealand’s history. With student’s returning to School we are working hard to provide further learning opportunities for our students.

At Tangaroa College this means that until the end of the term teachers will be providing what we like to call “blocking”. Blocking means that students are expected to attend certain classes from 2.30 – 4.15pm to be able to extend their learning and to seek extra support.

We would like your help in encouraging students to attend their sessions as we will have more staff available to; teach, help and explain. If for some reason your son/daughter is not able to attend the “block” please ensure your student communicates this to their subject teacher.

The “blocking” timetable is attached and can also be found on our School website

Students who do not have a “block” will be released at 2.20pm and we would appreciate your support in expecting students to go straight home.

Please do not hesitate to contact the School if you have any questions.


Kind regards


Bessie Tuialii
Deputy Principal

Term 2 Senior blocking

Further learning opportunities

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

For the next 6 weeks our hard working staff here at Tangaroa College will be making themselves available to help our students. This opportunity is what we like to call “blocking”. Blocking means that students will be in certain classes from 2.30-4.15pm to be able to extend both teaching and learning opportunities. We would like your help in encouraging students to attend their sessions as more staff will be available to; teach, help and explain.
Please see the attached timetable for when your students are scheduled to be “blocked” and do not hesitate to contact the School if you have any questions.
Thank you
Bessie Tuiali’i
Deputy Principal

NZQA Updates

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

Please find the NCEA changes to your child’s learning:

Immediate Changes

The 2020 External Examination period has changed. New dates are available if you click on the link below. This is not just a case of a later start and finish – Exams have been shifted around to accommodate the shorter time-frame. Please check the Schedule.


Start: November 16

End: December 9

New Exam Schedule: 2020 Examination Schedule




External Verification: Level 1 and level 2 external verification of Arts portfolios has been removed for 2020. The portfolios will be assessed and graded by the Art teachers this year.

External Verification for remaining Portfolio subjects like Yr11-13 DVC, and Yr13 Art has been extended from October 28 to November 12, allowing more time for preparation.



Verification and Authenticity of Student Assessments: For all student assessments completed under Lockdown, NZQA has stipulated that we are to assume that all student work is their own. If there is any concern about student work, we may ask parents to confirm that all the completed work is the student’s.



If you have any questions or need clarification please contact: 


Bessie Tuali’i Deputy Principal/NZQA Assistant Nominee

Grant Langdon – Deputy Principal/NZQA Principal Nominee



Making a difference..

The Rise of To’a

Hardworking, talented and creative are just a few words that best describe David Riley who is one of the senior teachers at Tangaroa College.

David’s work ethic and determination to make a difference in the lives of his students, or just any young person, is actioned through his passion and love for what he does.

David is a very hardworking Drama teacher, who has not only been an inspiring and life changing teacher/mentor to the students he crosses paths with, but also to his work colleagues.

Positive feedback from Davids students is testament to the amazing work that David is producing in his class. One student mentioned the huge affect that the saying “yes” to everything and giving all activities a go rule, has had on them. This student goes on to explain that this has pushed him to step out of his comfort zone and be confident, which David believes is one important skill that we need to conquer in this thing we call ‘life’. The community has also witnessed first hand this mans hard work through the live drama performances students prepare at the end of each year.

Davids support for his past and present students are ongoing and never ending, with the constant checking in on his past students, giving them advice and being one of the first to promote their work they are doing. Give yourself a massive pat on the back David, you reap what you sow. Their success is your success too.

Writing books is a huge passion of David’s and with this comes the successful launch of his new book “Mate Ma’a Tonga”. Congratulations David. All that hard work has definitely paid off and everyone at TC, students and staff would like to congratulate you on this massive achievement.

If you want to know more about Mr David Riley’s work, here is the link to his website –

The true definition of;

“O le ala i le pule o le Tautua”

“The pathway to authority, is through service”

Malo lava David

Tangaroa College will reopen for all students on Monday 18 May

12 May 2020,

Dear Parents and Students,

I am sure you are aware of the announcement made by our Prime Minister yesterday afternoon regarding moving to Alert Level 2 on Thursday, 14 May, with students of all Year Levels returning to schools from next Monday, 18 May. As delivered in previous communication, we have been anticipating and planning for this to ensure the College is ready for reopening and the welcoming back of all students and staff. Our preparation has and will continue to include:

* Thorough cleaning of classrooms and shared facilities
* Deep cleaning of high touch points and surface areas

With students returning to school next week there are a number of safety protocols and procedures that will be in place, along with practical and functional strategies implemented to ensure we are providing a safe environment for our students and staff. You can expect to receive more detailed information regarding:

* Health and safety measures
* Attendance and engagement
* Sports
* Senior events i.e. School Ball
* Education Outside The Classroom (EOTC)
* Devices

As we navigate our way through some new learnings, please be reassured that as a school we have your child’s learning and safety at the centre of all our decisions and we need your support as part of our team – we cannot do this alone.

Next week is about establishing what the school looks like under COVID-19, so the timetable for next week is temporary until we establish new routines and expectations for health and safety behaviours within school.

It is important your children:
* Arrive at school on time so we are able to manage our ‘bubbles’ within the school and be collected from the school gates at 2.30pm (Gates will be locked at 9.15am. until 2.15pm daily)
* Bring the device sent from the Ministry of Education and or given by the school.

Please parents it is important that:
* Your children have lunches and water – you will NOT be able to drop these off during the day. Note: Our school tuckshop will NOT be open until further notice.
* If your child is sick – has a runny nose, a cough, or a temperature – keep them at home.
* If you wish to see any staff member – please call beforehand to make an

* You encourage your children not to share their food, their devices, their cell phones, books, pens etc.
* Encourage your children to go straight home and not hang around at the parks or shops- COVID-19 is still a risk within our community.
* If you need to collect your child/ren early from school – please phone the school and we will arrange for your child/ren to wait for you at the gates.

Please note the changes below for next week (18 May 2020 – 22 May 2020)

SCHOOL GATES OPEN FROM: 7.00am – 9.15am and again at 2.15pm – 2.30pm

School will begin at 9.00am next week and finish at 2.25pm

9.00am: Period 1- Wa Akoranga Time
9.50am: Period 2
10.30am: Interval
10.55am: Warning Bell
11.00am: Period 3
11.55am: Period 4
12.50pm: Lunch
1.30pm: Period 5
2.25pm: School Finishes
2.30pm: Staff Meetings


Be safe and take care


Davida Suasua