Friendly Reminder From Our School Nurse

Just a reminder to stay home and get tested if you have any of the following. If we all play our part we can stamp this thing out

The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to common illnesses such as a cold or influenza. You may have one or more of the following:

  • a new or worsening cough
  • fever (at least 38˚C)
  • shortness of breath
  • a sore throat
  • sneezing and runny nose
  • temporary loss of smell.

Shortness of breath is a sign of possible pneumonia and requires immediate medical attention.

Some people may present with less typical symptoms such as only: fever, diarrhoea, headache, myalgia (muscle pain), nausea/vomiting, or confusion/irritability.

Symptoms can take up to 14 days to show after a person has been infected. The virus can be passed onto others before they know they have it – from up to two days before symptoms develop.

If you have these symptoms call Healthline (for free) on 0800 358 5453 or your doctor immediately.

Mask are encouraged ???

Thank you

School Nurse
Tangaroa College
09 2745764 ext 214

WIFI Connection for South Auckland Whanau

Whānau wifi

Leilani from  can help South Auckland whānau with wifi connections. This includes:

Free modem
First initial set up 30GB free
Every $5 Skinny top-up voucher yields 30GB eg. $5=30GB, $20=120GB etc.
No monthly contract, and whānau & individuals top-up as they need.
Whānau can purchase a Skinny Top Up Voucher from any dairy or local supermarket.

Please contact:

Keep Moving Forward

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

RE: Term 3: Revised Study Blocking.

As we return back to school from Monday 29th of August. A revised study program has been organised to support you child’s learning for the remainder of the term.


Thank you


Dux Recipient 2019-  Makana O-Maui Uele 






See you on Monday 31 August, 2020

Dear Parents and Students

This notice is a special safety and transport update to deliver key messages in preparation for your Children’s return on Monday, at Alert Level 2.

  • This Monday, 31 August the school is fully open for all students Years 9–13 at the normal start time of 8.55 am. Please note gates will be closed at 9am to maintain safety and limit movement of students.
  • Please be assured your children are returning to a safe and clean school. My thanks to the Health and Safety and Property Teams for their extensive work on this once again.
  • If your child is absent please inform the school ASAP, either through parent portal, email and or phone call.

We look forward to seeing all the students back on Monday.

Davida Suasua

School resumes at Level 2

Kia ora Koutou Tangaroa College whanau

It was a big relief to hear we are moving back to Alert Level 2 at the beginning of next week, Monday the 31st of August. We look forward to welcoming all our students and staff back on site at that time.

Thank you once again to our parents and caregivers for the support and resilience you have shown through Alert Level 3.

Strong vigilance, good hygiene practices along with the hard work our health authorities are doing to identify and support any confirmed case and their close contacts remain important for all of us.

Just a reminder that while everyone is onsite at Alert Level 2 next week, we must adhere to key health measures including:

* Good hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette
* Keeping the appropriate physical distance from others (in class this means no touching each other and keeping out of breathing distance)
* Cleaning and disinfecting our high touch surfaces daily
* Displaying QR Code Posters at our entrances and encouraging all of our community  to download the NZ COVIDTracer App. and use it  if they come onsite
* Keeping a Visitor Register for anyone who is unable to use the App and for other visitors who come onsite.

We know all these measures will help keep our community as safe as possible and because of these your child does not need to wear a face covering at school, however, we will of course, support them should they choose to do so.

For those of you who might be finding things more difficult than usual, a reminder that there is a large range of support available for business and the community.  We encourage you to go to  for more information, or get in touch and we will help you find the information and support you need.

A reminder that the school gates will be closed at 9.00 a.m. in the morning and the end of the day will be at 2.35 p.m . Please ensure your children are at school no later than 8.55 a.m. to begin Period 1 at 9.00 a.m.  We will continue to have subject blockings for students and this information will be sent to Parents.  Blocking will commence at 2.35 p.m

Vigilance is required so please make sure your children go straight home after school and not hang around the local parks and or shops.  If you are going to be late collecting children, please let us know and we can have an area within the school for them to wait safely.


Nga mihi



Covid 19 Level 4 Extension Announcement


Dear Parents and families

The Prime Minister’s announcement this evening not to move to Level 4 Lockdown was a welcome one for most. Speaking with parents and staff over the last few days, it is clear that concern and anxiety is prevalent given that we are experiencing another major interruption to childrens’ precious schooling time.

From my own point of view, it was frustrating for the staff and I that we did not have an opportunity to send our students off properly – communicating clear expectations and outlining the support available before they headed into another Lockdown. Our teachers are currently working hard trying to engage our students online.

This won’t be the first and probably not the last time we will move into a Lockdown. So saying this, we will continue to teach online with a normal time table.

We have devices available for students, which may be collected from an off school site.  If a student requires a device, please email and leave a contact phone number, the student’s name and the name of their Wa Akoranga teacher.

We are here to help and support our students and their families the best way we can so please do not hesitate to contact us.


Wellbeing Team  Contact details 
Social Workers 

Julie -Anne Timu 

Graham Jackson


Kara Renall 

Emma Hannaby

Junior Deans

Year 9: Rob Downie 

Year 10: Nadeen Papali’i

Senior Deans 

Year 11: Chris Ashforth

Year 12: Sarah Davis

Year 13: Marieke Brinkman



Kia kaha everyone, be safe and be kind to one another.


Davida Suasua


Online learning commences

Kia ora koutou whanau

The shift in alert levels announced by the Prime Minister last night was the last thing any of us wanted to hear, but thank you for the calm and sensible way you have responded to this latest news.

We are prepared this time but there is information below to remind you about the important things to do under the different alert levels. As a school we are working on various scenarios that might occur from midnight Friday so we can continue to support our children in their learning but if you are concerned about anything, please get in touch with us via email,

It is very important that we continue to keep our community safe throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and I know you will make sure this happens. Stay in your bubbles and be safe.
Alert Level 3 is for the Auckland area only and Alert Level 2 for the remainder of New Zealand is to be put in place from midday today.

Starting tomorrow we will continue to teach on-line. Students will follow their normal timetables and are expected to make contact with their teachers. If your child requires a device, phone the school office to arrange collection tomorrow morning from 9am- 11am only. (Devices are not at school, so please phone first).

We will keep you up-dated once we hear from the government their next steps. In the meantime please encourage your children to continue to learn on line, read a book and be safe.
