Careers Department

Careers Department:

Our Careers Team is available to help students plan for and access future career information, Scholarship applications and University or Polytechnic information. If students are considering further study once they leave school or getting a job, make an appointment to see them to discuss ideas and get some help. The Careers Department will organise trips and guest speakers in the school over the year; read the daily notices for further information.

Mr Suasua organises Gateway work placements. Gateway gives students in Year 12 and 13, an opportunity to have one day each week in a workplace where they receive work experience and earn NCEA credits. If you are interested make an appointment to talk to Mr Suasua. 

Alice Va’a (Head of Department)
Amy Flower (Careers Advisor)
Terry Nelson (Transitions Officer)
Daz Suasua (Gateway Officer)



Our school canteen is run by an external provider Libelle and is open at interval and lunchtime. Check out the latest menu.

2021 New Staff

New staff to 2021

We have several new and returning staff for 2021 (images provided at a later date).  Welcome to …

  • Mosese Uele (Science)
  • Adam Pamplin (Science)
  • Francesca Bakk-Higgins (Technology)
  • Zabeena Gulnaaz (English)
  • Michael Tupaea (Digital Technology)
  • Nicola Seager (PE & Health)
  • Shea Kokaua (Performing Arts)
  • Debbie Nash (Business Studies)
  • Tevita Hufanga (Mathematics)
  • Kakito Tiatia (Art & Pacific Studies)
  • Darryl Suasua (Gateway Coordinator)
  • Emma Hannaby (Nurse)



ALL students are expected to be in full school uniform at all times. If they are not able to wear correct school uniform they must bring a note from home. During Wa Akoranga they take their note to the Dean’s office and they will be given a uniform pass for one or two days. Often the Dean or Deputy Principal will telephone home to discuss the problem with parents.

Uniform passes are NOT given for jeans, jandals, hats, jerseys and jackets. Non-uniform items may be confiscated.

Neutral colour singlets may be worn underneath school uniform.  All footwear must be black school sandals or plain black shoes that cover the whole foot.  Slippers, jandals or slip on shoes are not permitted. Plain black or white socks are to be worn.

Leaving School During the Day

Leaving School During the Day:

If students need to leave school during the day to go to an appointment etc. they MUST bring a note from a Parent or Guardian. During Wa Akoranga, a Dean or Deputy Principal will issue a leave pass that you will use to sign in and out of the school office during the day.

In the case of an emergency, the Parent or Guardian must come to the school office and we will locate the student/s. We are NOT able to let anyone not listed on the enrolment form take students out of school. We will contact Parent or Guardian if someone other than those people listed wish to access students at school.

No student is permitted to leave the school grounds during the day without a leave pass. Students are not permitted to go to the shops during interval, lunch or study periods.


Lateness to school:

Once our school day starts at 9.00am, the school gates are locked. Students that are late to school are then required to go home and return the next day on time. This does affect their learning and that of others in the class. Please remind them school starts at 9:00am.

Lateness to class:

If students are late to class their teacher will record them as late (L) in the Student Management System.  Parents/Guardians will be contacted to discuss ongoing lateness.


At Tangaroa College we believe attendance plays a huge part in the success of our students. If your child is unwell or away from school, please inform the Attendance Officer (09) 274 5764 ext 225 or email Alternatively, students may bring a note to the office when they return to school.

Students can expect their parents or guardians to be contacted if they are absent from school without a note. We take attendance very seriously and will follow up non-attendance with parents/guardians through letters, telephone calls and text. Please ensure we have up to date contact information.