Kia ora koutou whanau
The shift in alert levels announced by the Prime Minister last night was the last thing any of us wanted to hear, but thank you for the calm and sensible way you have responded to this latest news.
We are prepared this time but there is information below to remind you about the important things to do under the different alert levels. As a school we are working on various scenarios that might occur from midnight Friday so we can continue to support our children in their learning but if you are concerned about anything, please get in touch with us via email,
It is very important that we continue to keep our community safe throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and I know you will make sure this happens. Stay in your bubbles and be safe.
Alert Level 3 is for the Auckland area only and Alert Level 2 for the remainder of New Zealand is to be put in place from midday today.
Starting tomorrow we will continue to teach on-line. Students will follow their normal timetables and are expected to make contact with their teachers. If your child requires a device, phone the school office to arrange collection tomorrow morning from 9am- 11am only. (Devices are not at school, so please phone first).
We will keep you up-dated once we hear from the government their next steps. In the meantime please encourage your children to continue to learn on line, read a book and be safe.