Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Please find the NCEA changes to your child’s learning:
Immediate Changes
The 2020 External Examination period has changed. New dates are available if you click on the link below. This is not just a case of a later start and finish – Exams have been shifted around to accommodate the shorter time-frame. Please check the Schedule.
Start: November 16
End: December 9
New Exam Schedule: 2020 Examination Schedule
External Verification: Level 1 and level 2 external verification of Arts portfolios has been removed for 2020. The portfolios will be assessed and graded by the Art teachers this year.
External Verification for remaining Portfolio subjects like Yr11-13 DVC, and Yr13 Art has been extended from October 28 to November 12, allowing more time for preparation.
Verification and Authenticity of Student Assessments: For all student assessments completed under Lockdown, NZQA has stipulated that we are to assume that all student work is their own. If there is any concern about student work, we may ask parents to confirm that all the completed work is the student’s.
If you have any questions or need clarification please contact: