Holiday Tutorials

Kia ora koutou

Greetings Parents / Caregivers.

Re: Term Two School Holiday Workshops / Tutorials

I would like to take this opportunity to thank those parents and whanau who have supported our students and their learning during this unprecedented time in our Nation’s history.

With the recent disruption in learning due to Covid-19, some subjects and department personnel are sacrificing their own time to facilitate school holiday tutorials as well as “off site learning opportunities” (schedules attached).

This extra academic support is a fantastic opportunity for students to catch up on class work, complete assessments and revise for upcoming practice exams, which will be in week three term three.

Teachers will be keeping a record of attendance and Head of Learning email addresses along with teacher extension numbers are listed on both schedules.  If you have any queries, please contact your child’s subject Teacher, Head of Learning or the School Office.

We wish you a safe Term Two holiday break and are looking forward to term four which begins on Tuesday the 21st of July.

Nga mihi,


Bessie Tuialii


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