From Our Principal

Dear Parents and Whanau of Tangaroa College

We are all waiting to hear from the Prime Minister on Tuesday afternoon to see if we change alert levels. This lockdown has not been easy and it comes at a crucial time for our seniors. With NCEA exams around the corner it adds extra stress to our children and teachers. As a school, we are working to help students achieve their NCEA under these trying circumstances.  


We are concerned about the well being of our Tangaroa College community and the added pressures this lockdown has had on us all. We want to work with our community to make sure that everyone is OK. It is important that parents and students stay in contact with the school, either with their Dean, Wa akoranga teacher, and or subject teachers. 


Last week, some devices were delivered to the school by the Ministry of Education and families contacted to collect them from school, however, we still have some devices that have not been picked up and so school will be making contact with these families again to get these devices delivered. 


We have noticed a considerable drop in student engagement in on-line classes over the past week and while we understand that this is sometimes difficult, it is important that students participate, if they can’t, they must inform their teachers. If Parents want to know that their children are engaging online and wish to talk to their teachers, please do so. All staff contact details are on our website and below are the Deans and the Deputy Principals’ emails, or alternatively you can still phone the school and they will forward your message on. 


Be safe and take care of yourselves.


Davida Suasua


Contact emails: PHONE: 2745764

Year 9 Dean: Marieke Brinkman               email:
Associate Principal: Christine Pili      email:

Year 10 Dean: Rob Downing              email:
Deputy Principal: Bessie Tuialii   email:

Year 11 Dean: Abigail So’e                          email:
Deputy Principal: Imeteta Faumuina             email:    

Year 12 Dean: Chris Ashforth              email:
Deputy Principal: Martin Wright      email:

Year 13 Dean: Renee Tawhi                          email:
Deputy Principal: Grant Langdon                  email: